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Congratulations Graduates!

The IAMPE is pleased to congratulate our latest graduates of the Maritime Executive program who have been awarded professional industry certifications. The program was hosted by Port Tampa Bay and was held at the Port Tampa Bay Headquarters. Port Tampa Bay is a designated Port Management Program Education Facility.

Earning the Accredited Maritime Port Executive (AMPE) was Mark Dubina, AMPE-Vice President of Security for the Port of Tampa, and Capt. Thomas E. Garrett, AMPE-President, Marine Associates of Tampa. Both individuals also completed their certification requirements for the IAMPE Maritime Educator Certification and were added to the IAMPE Faculty as subject matter experts.

Earning the Maritime Port Executive (MPE) professional certifications were CDR Megan Drewniak, MPE-US Coast Guard Chief of Prevention, Sector Northern New England; Paul D. Pope, MPE, MCSE-Manager Information Technology, Christyna Doege, MPE, CGBP-Client Engagement Manager and Ron McCalister-MPE-Access Control Manager of Port Tampa Bay; Joseph Powell, MPE-Director of Compliance, Maritime Defense Strategy LLC; Shaun G. McFarlane, MPE, PE, Peng-Business Unit Leader and Vice President, Moffatt and Nichol; Capt. Matthew Creswell, MPE, CMO-Harbormaster, Juneau, AK; Capt. Matthew P. Bakis, MPE, MM-United States Merchant Marine, International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots; Daniel Hubbard, MPE-State Seaport Program Coordinator, Florida DOT, Rebecca Ferguson, MPE-Waterfront Development Projects Manager, Port of Pensacola, FL; and Jose F. Aguilar, MPE-Field Analyst, and Jeffrey Johnston, Plant Engineer, Granite Shore Power. These new graduates join the over 2,500 trained and professionally certified alumni who have previously been qualified.

The class was welcomed by Port Director and CEO of Port Tampa Bay Paul Anderson and included a presentation on Pilotage in the Ports of Florida by Laura DiBella, Executive Director of the Florida Harbor Pilots Association. Port Tampa Bay through a joint agreement with the IAMPE, is the designated Port Management Education Facility for the State of Florida. The Port has hosted several management programs as well as IMDG/HAZCOM training at the facility. The Maine Port Authority also has a designated Port Management Education Facility.

The IAMPE is a not-for-profit industry association that provides professional development for port and terminal managers and executives. Programs are reviewed and approved for certification by the Association’s Board of Advisors, comprised of over 20 industry professionals. Academic partners include the Loeb-Sullivan School at Maine Maritime Academy and Graduate Programs of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Texas Southern University and the Australian Maritime College as well as the Continuing Education Program of the State University of New York Maritime College.

Education and Association partners include the Connecticut Port Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Georgia Ports Authority, North Atlantic Ports Association, Port of Alaska, Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators, Houston Port Bureau, the Inland Rivers Port and Terminals Association, Oakley Ports, Lange-Stegman, Maine Port Authority, the Maritime Exchange of the Delaware Bay and River, Little Rock Port Authority, Port Milwaukee, Vicksburg Port Authority, Port of South Louisiana, America’s Central Port, Cruise Maine, the United States Coast Guard, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Port Tampa Bay, Jacksonville Port Authority, HDR Engineering, the Transportation General Authority of Saudi Arabia, the Maritime Association of South Carolina, South Carolina State Port Authority and the American Association of Port Authorities.


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