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The IAMPE is pleased to congratulate its latest graduates of the Inland Port Management and Executive Management Program. The program was hosted by Parker Towing at the Port of Decatur, Alabama the week of December 6th. Each participant was awarded either the Inland Maritime Port Manager (IMPM) Certification or the Inland Maritime Port Executive (IMPE) professional certification. In addition, the Executive Management graduates were awarded graduate level credits by the IAMPE’s U.S. Academic partners which includes Maine and Massachusetts Maritime Academies, State University of New York maritime College, and Texas Southern University.

Professional Inland Maritime Port Executive (IMPE) certifications were awarded to Keith Parker, IMPE-Director of Operations, Port of Decatur; Gina Walker, IMPE-Manager, Florence Lauderdale Port Authority; Miguel A. Zamora II, IMPE-Vice President, Louisville Riverport Authority; Kevin Holcer, IMPE-General Manager, Agri-Services of Brunswick (MO); Blaine LaFontaine, IMPE-COO/Port Director, Hancock (MI) County Port and Harbor Commission; Shane LaFontaine, IMPE-Manager, Port Bienville Railroad, Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission; and Dr. Mihalis Golias, IMPE, PhD-Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis. Earning the Inland Maritime Port Manager (IMPM) professional certification were Jen Robertson, IMPM-Business Development Manager/Marketing Analyst, Mississippi Export Railroad and Eric Pearson, IMPM-Port Manager, Parker Towing. In addition, completing his faculty certification for the inland management program was Dale Murray, AMPE, CME (Certified Maritime Educator-Inland Port Management), Colonel-Army National Guard, Director of Asset Management, WATCO Companies, LLC.

The IAMPE is a not-for-profit industry association that provides professional development for coastal and inland port and terminal managers and executives. Programs are reviewed and approved for certification by the Association’s Board of Advisors, comprised of over 20 industry professionals. Academic partners include the Graduate Schools at Maine Maritime Academy, Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Texas Southern University as well as the Continuing Education Program of the State University of New York Maritime College. The Association offers professional and accredited programs in Coastal and Inland Port Management and Executive Management, as well as certification programs for Marine Terminal Operator and IMDG/Hazardous Awareness. The Association has over 2,500 alumni worldwide.


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