The Mississippi State Port Authority (MSPA) has received formal designation as an Education Partner of the IAMPE, joining 24 other Port Education Partners of the organization. Receiving the award were the members of the MSPA who attended the Maritime Port Management class and Jon Nass, CEO & Executive Director of MSPA, who welcomed the class. Mr. Nass is also a member of the IAMPE Board of Directors.
In addition, the International Association of Maritime and Port Executives (IAMPE) is pleased to congratulate its latest graduates of the Maritime Port Executive Management Program. The program was hosted by the Port of Gulfport in Gulfport, MS. Participants earned the Maritime Port Executive (MPE) certification or the Maritime Port Manager (MPM) certification. In addition, MPE graduates may be eligible to receive graduate level credits by the IAMPE’s Academic partners which includes Maine Maritime Academy, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, State University of New York Maritime College, Texas Southern University, The University of Memphis, and the Maritime College of Australia.
Maritime Port Executive (MPE) certifications were awarded to Brandon Schmid, MPE – Access Services Financial Coordinator, The University of Southern Mississippi; Matthew Wypyski, MPE – Deputy Executive Director & COO, MSPA; Madeline Walker, MPE – CAO/ In-House Counsel, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission; John Arnold, MPE – Sales Manager, TMEIC Corporation; Errol LaRue, MPE – Counsel, MSPA; Shawn Meyer, MPE – Director of Operations & Trade Development, MSPA; and Janel Carothers, MPE – SVP, Economic Development, Hy Stor Energy. Maritime Port Manager (MPM) certifications were awarded to Mark Loughman, MPM – Commissioner, MPSA; Lt. Emily Marks, MPM – USCG; Cowles Symmes, MPM – Commissioner, MSPA; John Rester, MPM – Commissioner, MSPA; Allison Chimenya, MPM – Marketing Analyst, MSPA; and Rosemarie Aldo, MPM – Administrative Assistant, IAMPE.
In addition to the MPE course, the IAMPE hosted a Marine Terminal Operator (MTO) program simultaneously at the MSPA. Earning their MTO and HAZCOM certifications were Tyler Zabkar, MTO -Assistant Operations Manager, NH Port Authority; Blaine LaFontaine, MTO & AMPE - Chief Operating Officer/Port Director, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission; Shane LaFontaine, MTO &E – Railroad Manager, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission; and Gary Pitcovich, MTO- Crane Manager, MSPA. Mr. Rich Diffley, AMPE received the MTO and completed his certification as an IMPE Certified Instructor. Mr. Diffley was formerly with Lange-Stegman and Logistec in operations and will teach in the Inland Waters certification program.
The Mississippi State Port Authority is the latest Education Partner of the IAMPE, along with 24 other Port Education Partners and 6 Industry Association Partners. Industry Association Partners include the American Association of Port Authorities; Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals, Inc.; Houston Port Bureau; Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators; Maritime Exchange of the Delaware Bay and River; South Carolina Maritime Association; and the North Atlantic Ports Association.
IAMPE Education partners include the Connecticut Port Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Georgia Ports Authority, Port of Alaska, Oakley Ports, Lange-Stegman, Maine Port Authority, Little Rock Port Authority, Port Milwaukee, Vicksburg Port Authority, Port of South Louisiana, Port of Morgan City (LA), America’s Central Port, the United States Coast Guard, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Port Tampa Bay, Jacksonville Port Authority, HDR Engineering, South Carolina Ports Authority, the Transportation General Authority of Saudi Arabia, Maher Terminals, The Port of Virginia, The Mississippi State Port Authority, the World Trade Center New Orleans, Ports Association of Louisiana (PAL), Kean Miller, and the University of Maine School of Law.
The IAMPE is a non-profit industry association that provides professional development for coastal and inland port and terminal managers and executives. Programs are reviewed and approved for certification by the IAMPE’s Board of Advisors, comprised of 20 industry professionals. The Association offers professional and accredited programs in Coastal and Inland Port Management and Executive Management, as well as certification programs for Marine Terminal Operator and IMDG/Hazardous Awareness. The Association has over 2,600 alumni worldwide and is the only Association offering professional certification to port managers worldwide.