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Academic Partners:
University of Tasmania Australian Maritime College logo
SUNY Maritime seal
Texas Southern University Seal
Mass Maritime seal
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Association Partners:
AAHPA logo

The Alaska Association of Harbormasters & Port Administration (AAHPA) promotes and encourages development of ports, harbors and marinas along sound and economic lines and to assist whenever and wherever possible in the development of new ports, harbors and marinas.

AAPA logo

The American Association of Ports (AAPA) is recognized as the unified voice of seaports in the Americas, AAPA today represents 130 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and more than 200 industry solution providers, supply chain partners and academia with an interest in seaports.  

Greater Houson Port Bureau logo

The Greater Houston Port Bureau (GHPB) and the IAMPE have partnered to expand the IAMPEofferings to the Houston region. The GHPB assists the IAMPE in marketing efforts in the Houston region and provides classroom space for IAMPE courses administered in that region. The IAMPE reviews GHPBs educational offerings and determines if any are eligible for IAMPE certification or IAMPE continuing education hours.

IRPT logo

The Inland Rivers, Ports, and Terminals (IRPT) trade association is the IAMPEs go-to for everything

brown-water related. The IAMPE has worked with the IRPT to expand into the inland river market. With the guidance and knowledge base of the IRPT, the IAMPE has been able to       create the Inland Maritime Port Executive programa first-of

-its-kind program that specifically focuses on the challenges and

needs of brown-water ports.

MASC logo

The Maritime Association of South Carolina Harbormasters & Port Administration (MASC) is a member-based trade association that connects the Maritime Association industry and entities who support maritime commerce. MASC serves as a platform for information dissemination, collaboration, and partnership within its membership. MASC advocates for issues impacting the industry and serves to advance, promote, and protect the interests of the maritime community across South Carolina.

North Atlantic Ports Association logo

The North Atlantic Ports Association (NAPA) is a trade association of commercial seaports located between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. The IAMPE and NAPA have partnered to ensure the professionals in the maritime industry have access to continuing education and training appropriate needs of the industry.

NAWE logo

The National Association of Waterfront Employers (NAWE) is the voice of the U.S. marine terminal operator (MTO) and stevedoring industry in Washington, DC. NAWE promotes marine cargo efficiency, security and health, a clean environment, international trade, and economic growth through advocacy, education, and industry cooperation. The IAMPE and NAWE have partnered to expand professional development opportunities for NAWE members.

Maritime Association of the Port of New York/ New Jersey logo

The Maritime Association of the Port of New York - New Jersey (MAPONY/NJ) serves the commercial maritime industry in the NY/NJ region by monitoring and disseminating data regarding vessel activity to its members and the public, to act as an advocate for the commercial maritime interests of the Port at the municipal, state, and federal level, and to promote the safety of navigation, the security of maritime assets, the sustainability of the marine environment, and the competitiveness of port services.

Corporate Partners:
HDR Logo

HDR Inc. is one of the premier world-wide engineering and architecture firms. With their help in providing course facilities through course sponsorships, the IAMPE has been able to host seminars across North America – from Maine to Alaska.

C3 Associates logo

C3 Founded by principal Wayne Coleman in 2015, C3 Associates is a foremost expert on Foreign Trade Zones in the United States. C3 Associates has partnered with IAMPE to offer IAMPE members access to FTZ expertise, Logistics Process Management Consulting, and Governmental Affairs Advocacy.


MARPRO Associates International is a transportation consulting firm based out of Portland, Maine. MARPRO has partnered with the association to provide IAMPE members consulting service at special rates.

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Soli DG. Founded in 2007 in Portland, Maine with the mission to provide jobs for individuals who who were in the marine sector and desired to work and live in Maine. 

Liebherr maritien cranes logo

Liebherr Maritime Cranes is part of the Liebherr Group and provides an extensive range of port equipment, ship cranes, offshore cranes, digital solutions and consulting. The diverse portfolio of port equipment offers optimal solutions for the handling of cargo and containers in ports and terminals worldwide. Ship- and Offshore cranes in a wide selection of sizes and featuring innovative rope and cylinder luffing gear options offer tailor-made solutions for cargo shipping and offshore industry.


Digital solutions and consulting provide smart data analysis and productivity aids to maximize efficiency and returns from Liebherr cranes. A global network of over 450 service engineers in mixed sales and service companies deliver excellent customer service over the entire life cycle of the Liebherr machines.

Industry Historical Partners:

Maritime Industry Museum at Fort Schuyler is housed in historic Fort Schuyler on the campus of SUNY Maritime College in the Bronx, NY, the Maritime Industry Museum is a family adventure, an educational resource, and a testament to the importance shipping and the seafaring way of life has on our modern global society.

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U.S. Lightship Museum The mission of the United States Lightship Museum (USLM) is to preserve and maintain Nantucket Lightship/LV-112 in perpetuity, reestablishing this National Historic Landmark in its homeport of Boston. It serves as a floating museum and learning center for the general public, chronicling the maritime history of the U.S

Educational Partners:
Maine Port Authority logo
Connecticut port authority logo
Georgia Ports
Port Authority NY/NJ logo
Port Tampa Bay
Port of Morgan City logo
Americas Central Port logo
Port Milwaukee logo
Port of South Louisiana logo
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Maher Terminals logo
USCG logo
New Hampshire Port Authority
Port Association of Louisiana logo
EPA logo
South Carolina Ports logo
Port of Gulfport Mississippi logo
Port of Decatur - Parker Towning logo
Luis A Ayala Colon Suers logo
Logo Autoridad del Puerto de Ponce logo
Kean Miller Counsel logo
Port of Virginia logo
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university of memphis logo
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